BABY love will be on the agenda in Selkirk next week as NHS Borders stages its latest face-to-face weaning session.

Free sessions run by the joint health improvement team provide a wide range of information such as how and when to start weaning, first foods to offer, moving on to new tastes and textures, weaning safely and vitamins.

Dr Carole Anderson, public health lead and child health commissioner at NHS Borders, said: “Your baby being ready to start experimenting with solid food is a big developmental milestone – it can be both exciting and daunting.

“Our informal weaning sessions will provide you with lots of practical advice to help you to build your confidence, learn new skills and save money.  

“We encourage anyone who would benefit from gaining weaning knowledge or refreshing their memory to come along; you could be a first-time parent or carer, a grandparent, an auntie or another family member who is keen to support your family through their weaning journey.”

Sessions are held online every month and in person, usually in the Early Years Centres, every two months. The next face-to-face session will be held on Thursday, March 21, between 10am and 11am in the Philiphaugh Early Years Centre in Selkirk.

To book your space, or for more information on upcoming dates and venues, please email or visit the NHS Borders Bumps Babies and Beyond Facebook page.